Dear partners!Dear our suppliers and manufacturers!

For more than a week there has been military aggression in our country. There are rocket attacks on our cities, infrastructure is collapsing, civilians and children are dying.

In such a difficult time, ATB Corporation is making every effort to provide our citizens with food. If possible, fill the stores with everything that they really need today. Stabilize the situation and provide assistance where it is needed most.

But we depend on you. From your products, from their uninterrupted supply to our warehouses and stores, from their uninterrupted production.

We call you!
Step up your efforts!
Take effective and decisive steps to eliminate existing problems!
Open warehouses with products, bring people to production, start transport! Promptly resume deliveries!
The country can't wait! The people who protect her from the enemy cannot wait!
We must act immediately!

And also remember – the war will eventually be over. Don't run from your own conscience. As well as from the eyes of those who today are waiting and in need of our joint help!
Let's act!